Carstensz Mall Gading Serpong Memperkenalkan Museum of Toys dengan Karakter Carten & Senza

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Carstensz Mall bekerja sama dengan Museum of Toys untuk memperkenalkan karakter IP (Hak Kekayaan Intelektual) yaitu Carten & Senza, yang akan menjadi ikon Carstensz Mall dan menghibur pengunjung. Foto: Ist

TANGERANG – Carstensz Mall is one of the modern community hubs in the Gading Serpong area, Tangerang, known for its futuristic design. The name Carstensz is closely associated with the value of Aesthetic, which is a philosophy related to beauty and the concept of art.

In preparation for the Grand Opening Event of Carstensz Mall, it has partnered with the Museum of Toys to introduce the IP (Intellectual Property) character, Carten & Senza, who are sibling characters that will become the icons of Carstensz Mall and entertain visitors. The term IP character is well known in the multimedia world. An IP character is a form of creative work created to represent a company or name for commercial purposes.

The Museum of Toys (MOT) is a company in the creative industry with a vision to introduce local art, one of which is through the commercial introduction of characters. MOT is also involved in the fabrication industry for creating 3-dimensional characters.

The collaboration between Carstensz Mall and MOT is one of the pioneers in Indonesia where art is integrated into commercial spaces and presented to the public.

Carten & Senza are expected to become iconic characters as the identity of Carstensz Mall, and will be introduced to visitors in January 2024.

“Meet Carten and Senza, siblings from the future who come from a modern and advanced world. Their interest in the existence of other planets leads them to adventure from their planet to Earth. However, when they arrive on Earth, their spaceship malfunctions and they have to make an emergency landing at the peak of Carstensz,” said Heliandi Fajar Saputra, Founder of MOT.